Saturday, April 5, 2008

Erin's Ballet Recital - June 23, 2007

I know that this is a little late in posting, but I am finally organizing my videos and pictures from last year (and probably will be posting more "oldies" in the days to come). Erin has been doing ballet for over 4 years now, and this video is her most recent recital THE SNOW QUEEN which she performed in June 2007. She had a part in the first act only, so I have just posted that instead of the entire ballet. She has come such a long way, and I am amazed at what she has learned. She is now with a group of girls older than her (2-4 years older) but she can keep up with them and is getting very serious with ballet. She goes to her classical ballet class 2 nights a week for 1.25 hours each time. Some girls are starting on pointe this summer, but Erin has to wait a little bit more for her body and feet to grow. But she doesn't mind that, she just loves to dance. Her teacher has really pushed her, in a good sense. Can't wait for May of this year to see a much better ballerina performing. Here is the video, it's about 25 minutes long and Erin was on stage for almost the entire part (but I couldn't always get her on the camera - I tried real hard). Hope you enjoy.

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